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Rev. James Rogers

From the Pastor's Desk:
 About the Pastor 

James Rogers was born on November 23, 1955, in St. Louis, Missouri, to Artinces and Jimmy Rogers. As a child, he attended Scullin Grade School and later graduated from Northwest High School. James then served in the U.S. Army from 1974 to 1976 before pursuing his education at Forest Park Community College, Missouri Baptist University, Brookes Bible Seminary, and E. Stanley Howlett Seminary, ultimately earning his Bachelor's Degree in Christian counseling.


James was a dedicated employee of the City of St. Louis Treasury Department for 35 years. He also attended St. Luke Memorial MBC, where Rev. Jimmy Brown served as pastor and accepted the calling to preach in 1984 at the Greater Bethlehem Baptist Church, where The Rev. Dr. Cleophus Robinson was the pastor. James later pastored at St. Paul Baptist Church for ten years before assuming the role of pastor at Calvary MBC in 2020.


James is a devoted husband to Caroll Y. Rogers and a proud father of three daughters, Muriel, Jaqui, and Jamie. He is also a loving grandfather to eight.

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Pray & Fast or Watch & Pray

Nehemiah 1: 1-10
Daniel 9:3




Dear Calvary Missionary Baptist Church Family,

I would like to extend the invitation to everyone for a special opportunity to pray and fast or watch and
pray for two days. We are asking God to use us in the mission He has given us to evangelize the
community and also asking Him to provide the resources to do what is on His heart for us as a church

We believe that CMBC exists to glorify Jesus Christ by making much of Him in everything, by doing what
He has sent us to do and by loving the people He has given us to love and reach out to. We are
committed to demonstrating love and declaring the truth of the One Hope of Jesus Christ. We believe
that life is short, heaven and hell are real; the cross of Jesus demonstrates how serious God is about His
Glory and the mission He has given us.


One of the ways we talk about the mission God has called us to is; we are seeking to use practical demonstrations of love as the means to open the door for the gospel so that the city of Cahokia Heights and surrounding areas might be transformed for Christ in a way that brings only God the glory. It’s not about us, but we are the body of Christ called to put on display collectively the perfections of Jesus to all those God gives us to love. And like Paul to the Thessalonians, we want to give them “not only the Word of God but our own lives as well.”

Because the Evangelistic Team led by our own Sister June Jones is convinced that this mission is really
important and because we only want to do the will of God – we are asking you to join us in praying,
fasting, and watching this week. We are asking God to provide the grace, guidance, and opportunities for
this mission.

Because He is our hope, we are asking all of our church family to take this Friday and Saturday – and
consider giving up at least one meal and that time to fast and pray and/or consider giving up two or
three hours of sleep in order to pray for God to move into the life of this church family and this city.

Thankful to be a part of this family,



James  B. Rogers
Reverend James Rogers,
Sr. Pastor CMBC 

Contact Us

We are here to support you! If you need prayer or counseling, please send us an email or give us a call. 


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; on

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                                                                                                                                                                     Prayer - Saturdays 9am

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